Friday, November 9, 2007

55FFF - Chapter III

Hey's the latest chapter in my (possibly) unending saga of the mystery girl, the mystery device, and the mysterious car crash that left her near death. I decided to set today's chapter in Tokyo because I'm headed there today--I leave on a noon flight from Chicago and arrive Saturday. 12H30M in the air--UGH! Where's my Xanax when I need it? I'll have some free time Sunday to tour around, and I'm planning on taking a bunch of pictures, so plan on posting some of them on my other blog.

I saw comments from a few folks on previous posts--comments from S, Charles
(yes, Charles, Snowelf is cool!), and rubink...I'm so rushed to get out the door right now I haven't had a chance to respond or to cruise over to anyone else's blog. I'll respond to comments, and check y'all out, over the weekend.

Until then...


Chapter III - Tokyo

The fat man checked his watch. "Is she dead yet?"

"We'll know soon," replied Nakayama.

"Soon isn't good enough."

"I understand, Takaido-san."

"No, you don't. I don't just want her dead, I want to send a message. That message is: don't get mixed up in what you don't understand, and don't ever steal from me."


More later...


Charles said...

Hi Jim,
Well done 55. I'm going to have to go back through your older posts to get the back story I've missed.

Daniel said...

Same here. I need to read it from the beginning.

snowelf said...

But you guys are super cool too!!

And you know I just can ever get enough mystery/gore/bad guy/crimelord actiony stuff.

Hurry up next Friday!!
(have fun in Tokyo!)

Flash said...

A nice continuation to a great story. I see this developing into a Manga cartoon or comic or something. you just capture that image perfectly.

and glad to see another Chicago Boy here!

My 55 is up, so drop on by! And thank Snowelf for helping me find your blog...

jtj3 said...

Charles and Daniel, thanks! If you want to catch up you can see all my 55FFFs here.

Hey Snow good to know that my emerging story is right up your alley. Like I've said before, I have little to no idea where this is going to end up--but I think you can count on more bad guy/crimelord stuff...

Flash, nice to meet you even if it's in the virtual world. I'm an Aurora boy so we're pretty darned close. I'm with you--I could totally see a manga coming out of this or something...

I'll check out your 55FFF...I've been following your story arc too, and I love it!

Daniel said...

All good reading. Thanks Jim...