Thursday, October 18, 2007

Been a few days... I sit in my hotel room...I'm traveling this week for work meetings. I've had early starts and late finishes every day, which wreaks havoc on my blogging efforts. I'm looking forward to tomorrow for two reasons--first, I get to fly home (YAY!), and second, it's Flash Fiction Friday. I've got a couple FFF story ideas lolling around in my head--I'm also thinking of a multi-week serial or story arc, but I won't start on that right now.

Not much to write now, as not much is going on. I have a 5K race this weekend, so it'll be nice to get back to competitive running (OK, not like I'm going to win or's more about besting my previous times). I'm also betting a 5K will seem pretty short, given some of the long-distance runs I've put in over the past few months...

More later...


snowelf said...

Oh, Come on Jim, Where's your flash!!! ;) hehe just kidding Thank you for remining me, I had completely forgotten!

The story arcs are way fun. Kate and Flash's are great and I think Rebicmel's starting one now too and Cooper has a new one as well.

Welcome back :)

Flash said...

good luck on the race.

And snowelf, thanks for the props...

jtj3 said...

Snow it's great to be back. (C: And my FFF will be in my next post in like 5 minutes.

Flash, thanks for the good wishes. I took a really quick look at your blog--it looks wicked cool. I'll check it out more later.