Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A short mid-week run...

For the past few weeks, I've blown off some of my mid-week runs because of being tired, sore, and/or lazy after some of the longer runs (particularly after the 18- and 20-miler). With only a 11 days left until the Marathon, I decided to get some mid-week runs in this week just to sustain my current level.

Today was a 3-mile run. I did it at a little more than my 5K pace, but a lot less than my expected marathon pace. Bottom line, I just wanted to get out and run and blow the dust out of the pipes. It felt good--nice long stride, and a good pace with negative splits each mile. It was a little cool and overcast, but not bad at all.

These are the days when I feel like I could keep running forever. These are the days that make me remember why I fell in love with running in the first place. It also gives me a sense of real accomplishment without a huge time investment--from the time I stepped out the door this morning until I came back was only 30 minutes.

Tomorrow is looking like another 2-3 miles, then off Thursday. I'm doing my "long run" (although, at this point, I hesitate to call 8 miles 'long') on Friday, before taking off for Germany on Saturday.

Oh yeah, and Friday is our 16th wedding anniversary. Should be a fun day--we're talking about doing a few things here and there, and then we have a romantic dinner out planned. I'm looking forward to it.

More later...

1 Comment:

snowelf said...

Congrats Jim! on both accounts. 16 years is almost a lifetime these days. ;)
