Friday, March 28, 2008

55FFF - Chapter XXIII

The Vegas Strip, 4 hours later...

She had her money, and whatever it was her father had stolen from the government. She knew how to get it back to them, and how to use the money to disappear.

She'd done that too many times before.

She started to read the note. "Too many memories," she thought, tossing it away...



Sue said...

Ugh, why? WHY? hahaha.

jtj3 said...

Guess we'll never know "why"...

snowelf said...

Oh I LOVE how she tossed the note!! It was the perfect thing for Kathryn to do-a fantastically cool completes the series in such a stylish manner.

I just know you're brewing up something great for next week. :)


jtj3 said...

Hey thanks, Snow! You ever see the movie Lost In Translation? There's a GREAT scene at the end where Bill Murray whispers something to Scarlett Johansson. You never find out what it is, but it makes you wonder. That's a little bit of what I was going for in my story...

For this week, I think I'll just do a stand-alone story (i.e., no continuing arc). Had enough of that for now...HA HA HA!!!