Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Should I be insulted?

I'm taking a sick day today, I'm in between naps, and I was bored...so I was cruising blogs. I came across a FOAF (Friend Of A Friend) blog who had this widget that told me the required reading level for his blog. Hm, I thought...I use pretty big words, abstract concepts, deep thinking...so I was thinking I'd score at least a high-school reading level on this blog. WRONG...

blog readability test

So, uh, should I be insulted? Hey, I wonder if I can sandbag this thing by using words in my posts like "erudite", "unpremeditated," or "antidisestablishmentarianism."

Should I wax philosophically about the Dionysian rites practiced by neo-pagan religionists as they recently celebrated the coming of the vernal equinox?

Would I appear smarter if I echoed the single phrase I remember from my high-school studies of Shakespeare (even though I don't remember exactly what it means) and describe, in great detail, the literary device deus ex machina?

THERE. Those 25-cent words ought to get my rating up, at least a bit. Now I can go back to writing about...um...stuff. That happens. With people. And things...oh crap, now I'm back to elementary level reading again...

UPDATE: CRAP. Even after using all those big words, I still only rate Elementary School reading level. *sigh* Oh well...


Sue said...

Hrm. I don't know what makes it High School over Elementary. I love your blog. Maybe it means even really ignorant individuals can join in too?

Daniel said...

My blog was rated elementary level too!

jtj3 said...

Sue, who knows what makes one vs the other? I love your blog, too (OOH!!! Linky Love!). I think it means I don't give a hoot about what the "reading level" widget says...I thinks I are smarte and I rite a gud blogge that mani peepul enjoie.

Dan funny you rated yourself...I thought sureyour blog (look, Sue, double Linky Love! See, I go *both ways*...) would rate at high school, if not college level. You write some pretty damned funny and high-brow stuff (I mean that as a compliment!). Oh well, screw 'em if they don't like us!

Dan you should check out Sue's blog, you might like it...and Sue, meet Dan. I love it when I can connect blog friends...

Anonymous said...

Hey don't knock it. Being Elementary level means that those of us who like to glug a little (lot) of Chardonnay when we read can understand you clearly ;o)
*waves to Sue* :o)

Daniel said...

Yay connections! Thanks Jim.

snowelf said...

I haven't ever rated my blog... I'm almost afraid! I have a lot of totally's and freakin's on it.

It'd probably tell me I was so, like high school, and stuff. ;)


snowelf said...

I got Junior High!!
That rocks!

(crap, it's stuff like that, isn't it?)

jtj3 said...

Penelope, fair enough. Hey, does your comment mean that my blog is so sophisticated, that you (not you you, the generic you) have to benefit from the mind-expanding benefits of Chardonnay to be able to understand it? Cool! (C:

Daniel, you're quite welcome for the connections! I'm all about the linky love!

Snow, a junior high blog--HA HA HA that kills! Your blog is excellent, by the way...Dan, speaking of connections, check out my friend Snow--and Snow, meet Dan... (C: