Friday, February 29, 2008

Much mo' bettah...

Whew, OK. So after digging...and digging...and digging...through the forums (side note--shouldn't that be "foura"? I thought words that came from Latin always ended in 'a' when it's multiple--opus, opera...etc. I'm sure Daniel would know, but I digress...)

So over at Blogcrowds, I found that they found a bug in the template I'm using. Interestingly enough the bug doesn't show up if you take the as-is template but as soon as you try to add in code for your existing widgets it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

So bottom line, it's all better now. Rounders 2 template I LOVE YOU AND WILL NEVER EVER EVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN. PROMISE. Air kisses.

Man, I'm re-reading what I wrote--I seriously just got my geek on, didn't I? Working in the high-tech universe is kinda cool at times...

More later...


Anonymous said...

Oooh just a teensy bit geeky - nothing to worry about ;o)

Daniel said...

Much better :)

jtj3 said...

Penelope I take "geeky" as a compliment... (C: Plus, when I read your words I hear you say it in what I know must be your devastatingly cute British accent...

Dan, thanks. And keep in, sir, are the geek I aspire to be. Again, only in the kindest possible sense...

snowelf said...

I was rolling laughing when you blew your template air kisses!! hahahaha!!

Did you see where I went last weekend?? I'm SO in love with your city and HAVE to come back.
There's no way I'm not going to eventually end up living there.


jtj3 said...

Hey Snow, glad I made you laff! Oh yeah I saw your "trip report"...I didn't give it a full read yet, but it looks like you had tons of fun and I love your writing style! Glad you enjoyed yourself...